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The Token Resolutions Post

The new year is fast approaching.  Everyone is in a rush to finish up the year or make their resolutions for next year.  I, too, have goals for the upcoming year.  Are you setting goals, making your lists and checking them twice?

I would like to quit smoking again.  I quit prior to my WLS surgery and continued as a non-smoker for 9 months.  I really thought I had the habit kicked and then I did a really stupid thing and tried an electronic cigarette. What was I thinking? I never associated it with being "like" a cigarette. I heard her say, "Try this, you won't believe how real it tastes!" I didn't associate it with how real it really would taste.  I fought the urge to go back for about two weeks.  Hubby had quit for 7 months and we were both being strong for each other until that 3rd Saturday when we'd spent the day at the beach with the kids. We got into the car and I said, "Let's do something fun like rent movies and smoke!" and that was all it took. Pretty lame story but that's what did it.  We spent the next week telling each other one more pack, one more pack. And then we bought a carton. I sit here struggling with a winter cold either my daughter shared with me or my father-in-law during our Christmas celebration and can't help but kick myself in the rear because I never had a cold all last winter when I was a non-smoker.   I know I can kick this again and I won't be a smoker in 2013.

My second goal is to go to Onederland in 2013.  To type that phrase is so surreal to me after weighing over 400 pounds.  I can't tell you when I weighed in at a number that started with a 1.  I know that I graduated high school weighing 208.  For years and years, it felt like impossible to even lose 30 pounds and I'm excited that I only have 80 or so to go.  I will be in Onederland in 2013.

Those are my goals for the year.  You will probably find me setting more as the year goes by but I find that I'm more successful setting small goals.  I need to see results fast to keep my momentum going.

Having that "I want it now" attitude can be a handicap and make it easy to "to throw the towel in".  For example, let's say you typically set a goal of 10 pounds a month.  That's roughly 2-3 pounds a week, which is considered a safe weight loss to have.  However, if your body isn't willing to lose that 10 pounds that month no matter how "on plan" you've been, it can be devastating to your mindset.  I suggest setting the goal for 5 pounds a month and if you reach 8 pounds in the month, imagine what the extra 3 pounds does to your mindset? Under promise and Over deliver!

What are your goals and how to plan to reach them?


  1. They are two good goals. I like that you have two for now and you can really focus on them! New Follower.

    1. Welcome Robyn, i've always enjoyed your blog, I hope I can do the same for you :) Happy New Year.

  2. My goal is to get back on track. My first mini goal is 10 lbs loss, but I've not set a date to get there. My other goal is to cut back on soda pop and drink more water. 2013 has got to be better. I can't even imagine onederland right now...but it sounds good.

    1. Hi Dottie, I've had soda pop one time since Sept 2011. I can't tell you how much better I feel. I don't do regular or diet soda's anymore. Water Tea and the flavored waters... I do sweet tea by brisk but know i shouldn't :)

  3. Hi there! New Follower - I found you through Robyn.

    I have quit smoking as well. It's a really tough one and one I still struggle with, especially when friends who smoke or alcohol are involved. It has gotten easier though! You can do it!

    1. Hi Cat Welcome! I'll get it done again... :) Thank you for your support and keep up the good work!


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